Department: Biological chemistry and molecular biologyDescription: Research by the biological chemistry and molecular biology department in School of Life Sciences focuses on the genetic regulatory network of major chronical diseases such as malignant tumors and metabolic diseases, aiming to reveal new opportuniti...More
Department: GeneticsDescription: Research of the genetics department in School of Life Sciences focuses on domestication genetics, evolutionary mechanisms, and functional genomics via bioinformatics, molecular biology, cellular biology, genetics and biological chemistry approaches using model organisms including sil...More
Department: BotanyDescription: Research of the botany department in School of Life Sciences focuses on the mechanisms of signal transduction of phytohormones, identification of key functional genes in plant development, fruit developmental biology, etc. The botany department has hosted 7 national science foundation ...More
Department: MicrobiologyDescription: Research of the microbiology department in School of Life Sciences focuses on the investigation into interaction between microbes and plants/insects as well as development of biopesticides. The microbiology department has solid academic background in related areas and archive a s...More
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